Security Policy

Security Policy

Ensuring the security and confidentiality of processing

We keep the data safe and we have implemented a series of measures to secure the processing.

            The site is SSL secured, which is a security standard (Secure Sockets Layer) developed by Netscape, also known as HTTPS. The SSL certificate secures the exchange of information, encrypting the information so that it can only be decrypted by the server to which it is addressed. It ensures the security of the information along the route, as this way the information will not be able to be modified or stolen.

            SSL protocol technology is designed to ensure adequate connection security and to ensure that third parties cannot intercept information for further unauthorized processing.

          The operator has taken measures to ensure that all reports generated on the site are processed by authorized and qualified persons through internal and / or outsourced services, so as to minimize the risk of loss, theft, unauthorized use of data processed through cookies, access being thus restricted.

            Cookies are processed according to legitimate, pre-determined purposes, and of which users are informed of in advance.

            The data control operator has taken measures to limit the processing, in order to avoid storing the data for a longer period than necessary in order to transmit the information or to achieve the purpose initially established, in the sense of sub-clause 21 of the considerations of the e-Privacy Directive (EC).

            The operator has taken steps to prevent unauthorized access to data, within the meaning of sub-clause (21) of the e-Privacy Directive. 

            The data control operator has implemented measures to minimize the processing of personal data and where possible the personal data have been anonymized, in order to limit the processing.

            As a method of minimizing the data processed, we do not collect IP. The IP will be masked / anonymized so that the data control operator cannot access it. IP masking makes it impossible to identify a visitor / person / user.

            In some cases, your IP is also processed. As stated in Google's policy, the IP address is processed for a short period of time and is geocoded (transformed) into areas to which the user has access.

            If we use third party technologies, we do not have access to your IP address. The association of aggregated data cannot be done from within third party platforms, with the data collected directly through its own server.

            Regarding the security and safety of the use of cookies, it is necessary to know that these "plain text" files are not viruses and cannot contain viruses. Since they are not made up of code, they cannot be executed or run automatically by the operating system, so they cannot be duplicated or replicated on other networks to replicate.

            However, cookies could be used as a form of Spyware, as they store the history and browsing preferences of people / users. Usually, browsers have built-in settings that provide different levels of cookie acceptance or validity or even automatic deletion in some cases.

            Below you will find a number of accessible recommendations to increase the security of internet browsing and prevent unauthorized access to data.

Recommendations to increase security for users

  • access the internet only using secure WI-FI networks;
  • install antispyware applications; be careful, however, they must be constantly updated;
  • set the browser according to the security level of the use of cookies accepted by you or set the deletion of cookies as soon as you have closed the browsing session, in case you want them not to be maintained;
  • periodically update your browser to prevent attackers from exploiting vulnerabilities in older versions of browsers.
  • do not access untrustworthy sites.

More information

Should you require additional information regarding the processing of personal data, you can request such information at

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